Push Verse Changes stopped working after too much code

hi, @Kamyker @MiquelSangrador @Flak
Your error is like many

!IsBunchTooLarge(Connection, Bunch) [File:D:\build++Fortnite\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\DataChannel.cpp] [Line: 1161]
LogOutputDevice: Error: Attempted to send bunch exceeding max allowed size. BunchSize=299039, MaximumSize=262144 Channel:

IsBunchTooLarge(Connection, Bunch)

Looking at the source code for UE 5.5 “Bunch” is the variable value and this exceeds the maximum.
To get past this the update needs to be in bunches
Connection is the channel that send bunch
The amount of Verse code (text) exceeds the maximum and there is no check for the amount of code. Ideally, the push routine would split up the bunches.
The routine is capable of queuing bunches

There is too much code and no splitting in the push routine.
The Push code is outside the UE 5.5 source code so I cannot see how to modify this.