Hi y’all! I’ve been playing around with emissive glow on my textures and materials, and have now gotten a nice neon looking glow. Now I want to make it so that that glow “pulsates”, from a dimmer, darker shade of blue and back to the neon turqoise glow. I’ve been playing around with Time/Sine/Cosine/Append nodes, partially following this tutorial. But since I’m using textures I’ve made earlier, and have gone about my emissive glow according to the docs page, I’m not really getting to the results I want to. So, currently, I’ve succeeded with getting the material to pulsate from green to blue, and black to blue. But I haven’t been able to get in to just dim down and pulsate the shade of my emissive glow… Does anyone have any tips on maybe which numbers to use in the maths or if I should go about it a different way? I don’t want it to go from black to turqoise, since I’m planning on having the emissive glows as my only light sources, having them go all black completely blacks out the entire level (ofcourse).
So, in short, what I want to accomplish is for the emissive glow to go from its neon turqoise color, to a much darker, dimmer blue. Any help appreciated!