PSmove Service with Steam Vr and Unreal Engine 4

Hi there,

I have been trying to create an unreal project where I can use old PSMove Controllers from the ps3 as trackers so that with the help of a greenscreen I am able to composite live video in a virtual environment. So far I have been able to make steam vr recognise the controlers as controlers and they are tracking perfectly within steamvr games. However despite my best efforts i have not been able to get unreal to recognise the controlers and do not have the technical know how to set this up properly. If i can somehow get the controllers tracking within unreal then I have no doubt that i might be able to work out how to get the camera and everything linked, but so far I have not even been able to do this. It may be notable that i am using psmoveservice with steamvr, wich is not nativly supported, so unreal seems not to recognise them as the normal controlers perhaps, although i will say i know steam is definatly working as the hmd is tracking perfectly. Would anyone know how to solve this problem, or if it is even doable at the moment within unreal engine.

Thanks for the help.