Pseudo-VR, 360 panorama walkthrough, dollhouse effect

So Pseudo-vr that is new word that I learned, not sure is it real or developed (word) by Motivacg studio or it is real but it is interesting. So what is it? It is lets say interior space (3D model) with multiple panoramic 360 spheres (or cubemaps in UE5), and when you transition from one sphere to another to have virtual tour on that transition you get to see walk through 3d model so it looks like its real virtual-reality or real-time interior space. First time when I saw it I though it was some UE real time model with really good lightning and perfect reflection but its not real time 3d model. So what is the trick. Trick is to use path tracing or raytracing depending on software (UE5, 3dsmax, blender etc) to create multiple spherical 360 panoramas or cubemaps that are high resolution 5k or 8k that are high fidelity visualization for witch you would need SERIOUS hardware to render in real time and a lot of resources. Now that high fidelity pictures are placed in simplified 3d model of interior on right places. That interior have baked textures and light in same render with same parameters like cubemaps aka 360 panoramas. So only thing that is left is character that is moved from one cubemap/panorama to another with same direction of looking and perspective. You also get dollhouse (new word) perspective if you want on click. This get really good representation that can work on almost any PC or tablet or phone. Matterport is firm that sell their scanning cameras and this software, but they are pricey and they develop their own software. Other softwares for Virtual tour are great but they don’t have simplified 3d model of interior therefore they don’t have dollhouse and transition is lets say low quality( you can chose depending on software). I found some on marketplace but not good like those out of market place. Can somebody give me direction how to make this, I know how to render these spheres, but blueprint in UE for moving is difficult. Is there some tutorial or old UE4 tutorial to track to. Also this have to be prepared for web page so I can upload on my web page. Example down there.
Everything about this is welcome :smiley:

St Augustine


Reach out, we can chat I’ve done a few 360 panorama walk throughs in the past