#pragma once
#include "Public/Interact/InteractObj.h"
#include "Pickup.generated.h"
// For preventing circular dependency...
class AItem;
class RC2_API APickup : public AInteractObj
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, BlueprintReadOnly, Category = "Item")
AItem* Item;
When I try to assign this field to some existed-in-level objects, I see only “None” in this field (look a picture below). It seems nothing was happend, but the trick is that assigning works, actually.
What I’ve tried to do:
Rebuild the project (with and without deleting temporary files)
Use header instead of forward declaration
Change UPROPERTY parameters
This code works completely fine, however:
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Item")
TSubclassOf< class AItem > Item;
It seems the issue is that you are trying to refer to an Actor instance from a Blueprint Class Default Object. This is not possible by design. A Blueprint can be instantiated in any world but an Actor exists in a specific world, so it wouldn’t actually make sense anyway. If you want to set up the default object at the class level, you can add custom logic in the Construction Script to set the field at the instance level.
Can you elaborate on what the issue is that you’re having? When I add the UPROPERTY and TSubclassOf from your code snippet (I changed AItem to AActor since my project does not have an Item class) I see all available actor types in the dropdown menu inside my blueprint. As mentioned, using AItem will mean that only classes/blueprints that derive from the Item class will appear in the list.
And to be clear, you’re editing the value within the blueprint that subclasses APickup? (not on an instance of APickup, since you have EditDefaultsOnly, not EditAnywhere on the propetry)
I see them all as well, the “bug” is when I assign it (choose one from the list) I see no visual changes in field (picture), “None” still exists. But… the change actually has its place.
What do you mean? When you select a new class is the new class name displayed? Is the class thumbnail image not changing? Before/after pictures would help
I believe the issue you’re having is related to the difference between using a pointer such as AItem* MyItem versus using TSubClassOf < class AItem> MyItem. In the first case with the pointer, when you try to set the property in the editor (blueprint default or level instance), the dropdown menu will only show instances of the specified class (AItem or AItem subclasses/blueprints) that are already placed in the level. Using TSubClassOf` allows you to set the variable to the class/blueprint instance in the content browser that matches the correct type.
If this information doesn’t help, please restate what your issue is. What exactly do you mean that the property “doesn’t work”? What code are you using and what is the outcome that code provides? What is your expected outcome? The more detailed you can be the easier it will be to understand what is happening.
I know the difference between those two. The problem is that when I use pointer to some instance (e.g. AItem*) I can actually change the value in the field, but I don’t see the visual difference in options (see picture, there is always “None” in this field).