Projection Mapping technique to projects video files on objects?

I’ve got it packed up in some kind of transferrable form.

Step 1:

Download the following .zip file, and unpack it into the ‘Content’ folder of your project.


It contains 3 .uassets:

>‘decal2’ material
>‘projection_decal2’ blueprint
>‘video’ media object

Step 2:

1 - drag the blueprint into the level

2 - choose the camera actor you want to project from

3 - choose the texture you want to project

4 - offset the decal bounding box to enclose the objects to are try to project onto

Step 3:

I added a blank media texture to the decal material to check that it hooked up okay. It won’t do anything without some blueprint shenanigans, but it looks like a viable workflow.

Bit ‘bare bones’ for now, but let me know if it works, and if there is anything I should do to improve it.