Projecting a decal on to only one actor?

I was wondering if there’s a way to have a decal project on to one actor only?
In my specific case, I have a decal COMPONENT inside a weapon blueprint, but if I get close enough to a wall, it’ll appear on that wall slightly.

Here’s the weapon, a hunting rifle with a couple of poo splashes on it, you know, standard stuff:

And here’s what happens when you get up close to a wall:

The decal will move with the player, so it’s not permanently on the wall, but I’d like this to not happen at all.

I think there is a setting on static meshes to ‘accept decals’ that defaults set to true. It may not be an ideal fix, but it should work.

That would work for not letting anything on the wall, but I’d like other decals to be able to appear on walls and such. Still, I didn’t know about that, so it may come in useful for something else, thank you!