Projectiles Pack [WIP]

New update:

  • Air mode for testing some of projectiles and for faster travelling around the arena
  • Main menu and Pause menu
  • Lots of small improvements for all types of projectiles
  • Showcase start cinematic (not in the video below)

Arena is almost completed.
Now I think that I left enough space to test all kinds of projectiles.
You also can find a lots of secrets around this level :wink:

After some polishing I will start working on sounds for projectiles.

Inteceptor missile

It will automatically target nearest actor, which implements advanced projectile interface.
You can use it, for example, to implement air defense system in your game.
Also I made simple settings menu for demo(I want to include all demo maps and UI in pack, so you can use it in your projects, if you want).

To add to heyjoe’s suggestion I would like to suggest mid-air proximity fragmentation projectiles similar to that seen in the film Elysium:

And its real world counterpart (in larger form) the XM25 grenade launcher:

Also I must say that your work on this project is is very impressive with the amount of detail, thought, and content you’re providing with this pack is outstanding and you can count myself + several of my colleagues as future customers of your product when it comes to market :slight_smile:

P.S. You pack is worth it alone just from the fun factor and test environments you’ve provided thus far :smiley:

Thanks! You feedback is really important for me(because without it I start feeling that I’m doing something wrong).

I can modify grenades, bullets and rockets by adding into blueprints programmable time/distance variables, so they could be able to explode after specified amount of time or distance. I also can add an event to explode them manually. You can even set explosive payload to bullet if you want something like in Elysium.

UPD: Done :slight_smile:

Trailer here!
I submitted my project into marketplace. Now all I have to do is to wait a response…

Have you considered selling on gumroad or other alternatives? :slight_smile: Awesome work!

I’m planning to start selling with Unreal Marketplace. If I won’t succeed in it, then I will try gumroad or sellfy.

coolio - i’ll definitely buy day 1 when it hits marketplace. was just seeing if you planned on alternate sites, b/c heard Unreal Marketplace can take weeks to be approved/published. Hopefully that’s not the case anymore.

Suddenly, all assets in marketplace can have maximum 2 levels - Overview and Demo and can’t have level blueprints.
I had 4 demo levels, so today I’ve merged them all into one level and moved all level blueprints logic into separate blueprints.
But now, because all levels was merged into one, it require more performance to render everything.
However I have Geforce GTX 765M and everything runs rather smooth on epic settings.
Anyway, right now public demo still have 4 separate levels and need lesser performance.

Hi @, great work on the package! It looks awesome!

That’s a very bad news for me, as the system I work on requires Level BP. Also its nature forces me to use many Persistent Levels in the demo. So does that mean I won’t be able to submit an example project with the system to the Marketplace? :confused:

It seems :frowning: But you need to talk with them by yourself to be sure.
Also you can move all logic into separate actor, which will have link on all required components in the level and do the same logic as level blueprint.
Keep in mind that they restrict any cross wires in blueprints, so you need to add a lot of variables and nodes to follow this rule…

It took some time, but finally I successfully passed through submission process and now I know the release date for my project on Unreal Engine marketplace.

It’s the 18th May.

I think, I will publish link to the demo within a few days before release.

Can’t wait!!! And awesome job!

@ AWESOME!!! :slight_smile:

May I ask what the final price will be? Personally I’d say any lower than $29.99 to $24.99 USD is cutting yourself short, unless of course you want to go the other extreme and release at $4.99 to $9.99 USD and rely on sheer volume in getting your product out to the masses?

But hey if you want to keep it a surprise until release I can wait 4-5 days no biggie :stuck_out_tongue:

The final price is 15$. 1$ for each projectile at this moment(and I can add additional projectiles in future updates).
As I said before, I don’t want to set up price higher than 20$. I also can’t afford myself to lower the price to 5$ for some reasons.
So I decided that it would be fair price. Maybe I was wrong, but time will tell.

@ could always set the price at $19.99 USD and lower it if need be at a later date as it’s easier to lower a price over raising it from a consumers point of view unless of course additional value is added to the pack at a later date to justify the added price bump.

I’m just basing this off general advice I’ve heard from Michael Allar and others on the Unreal Slackers Slack group + elsewhere regarding their responses to various upcoming marketplace developers questions about what prices they should set for their asset packs.

awesome, for 15 it’s definitely a buy for me =D can’t wait to have a look.


Projectiles Pack now is on marketplace!

**New thread: **Projectiles Pack - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums

I started to work on first update(Projectiles Pack 1.1), which will bring new projectiles to you(up to 5, depends on many factors).

The first projectile, which I want to introduce you is the Blade Swarm. It allows you to summon N amount of blades, which will turn an enemy into a pillow for needles. This projectile also has homing capabilities.
Generally speaking, instead of blades there could be any other mesh. You can also control different parameters to change initial shape of the swarm, amount of blades, different offsets and so on.
Also I added a blade with 2 materials for this projectile - normal, which you can use in any conditions, and special, which will be used by this projectile.

And finally here’s the WIP video for this projectile. New projectiles coming soon. If you have any ideas or suggestions, I will be glad to hear them.