Projectiles Not Moving

I recently watched one of the unreal 4 tutorials on 2D games and I’ve gotten my program to work exactly like theirs except for one thing. My projectiles will shoot but not move forward. All they did was set an initial speed and max speed and to turn off gravity. I am not sure what I did wrong.

Make sure your projectile static mesh is set to Movable and not Static. That’s the classic problem.

Beyond that, depending on the mass of your projectile, make sure the velocity is strong enough. e.g. 3000.

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Where would i check to see if that is on or not?

I just checked under the blueprints for it and it is set to moveable and i tried 3000 it didn’t move it.

Can you show screenshots of the blueprint and components layout (sidebar)?

Looks like is on point there. Your sprite is set to be static. Also, make sure that the movement component is set to activate properly. Usually set to auto-activate by default, so it’d go on spawn.

Oh oops the sprite was originally set to movable but its fixed now. What do you mean by the second sentence? I can’t find it.

In the details for your projectile movement component, there should be a section at the bottom on activation. If it’s set to auto-activate, it should start moving right when it spawns. If not, you’d have to manually activate it in BP, but it sounds like auto should work for your purposes.

I just checked and that setting is already activated. Any other thoughts? Can I copy the projectile from the fps basic setup somehow and change it?

I have same problem, and now i resolved it. You need set Simulate Physics true in your PaperSprite.

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Same problem here. Cant figure out whats wrong. Checked and rechecked everything, physics enabled, set to movable, checked speeds, etc, the projectile will spawn but it will not launch forward, it will just drop on ground. Any other ideas?

I know this is old, but in case someone else stumbles upon this thread: Try to set the velocity to at least ten times of what you have now. I set mine to 2 and didn’t move at all. After I set it to 20, it moved.
Of course make sure to reprdouce all suggestions above first.
Unreal Engine v4.18.3

I also had same problem. I tried to set Velocity in BeginPlay and it didn’t work. After lots of trial and error I set ProjectileMovementComponent velocity in my bullet’s construction script and it worked.

Your solution helped me fix my issue not just for fixing the speed but the rotation too, thanks.

Thanks FinalZero, your Construction Script fix has sorted it for me as well.

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Bit late to this but the solution that worked for me was making the projectile static mesh the new scene root by dragging the static mesh onto the default scene root


Better late than never! Thank you for solving this for me. I’ve done this very thing before, but this time I had neglected to drag the mesh component up and replace the scene root. Everything else mentioned in this thread was correct, but if the physics-simulating component isn’t the root, the projectile won’t move forward.

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Maybe your projectile spawn point is too close to the player or gun barrel. If the projectile collides with another object, it would stop moving. You can try moving the spawn point a little bit further from the object which shoots the projectile.

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Actually Fixed It By Creating A New Actor BP And Just Adding Movement Projectile With 3000 Min And Max Speed And Static Mesh, It Worked Perfectly, The Issue Was There Was Something Wrong With The Actor BP Scene, So Had To Create A Completely New One, BRU, Thank GOD For That