Projectiles Not Moving

An old one I know - but for me the problem was, that in the c++ file where I spawn the projectile the FActorSpawnParameters had the flag bDeferConstruction enabled - this causes that the construction script is not executed and therefore the projectile was not properly initialized. So I had something like:

    FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;
    SpawnParams.bDeferConstruction = true;
    SpawnParams.Owner = GetOwner();
    SpawnParams.Instigator = GetOwner()->GetInstigator();
    SpawnedRef = (ASuakeBaseProjectile*) GetWorld()->SpawnActor<ASuakeBaseProjectile>(ProjectileClass, CameraLoc, CameraRot, SpawnParams);

The solution for me was to remove:
SpawnParams.bDeferConstruction = true;
You can also try to set it to false, but that should be the default anyway… give it a try …
Cheerz … and happy Coding :wink: DaVe JeTedonner

Want to add one possible fix here:

I read the documentation and figured out that if the static mesh you are trying to move has simulate physics, physics will take over and will probably just drop it on the floor instead of launching it.

I found a fix for myself that I did not see mentioned elsewhere:

I found that I need to have tick enabled, in addition to that you need to call Super::BeginPlay if you are overriding BeginPlay in your BeginPlay function. If you don’t; tick will not be setup and the projectile will not move.

Another possible cause, for future ref - in my case, I had accidentally set Friction on the Projectile Movement Component to 35 instead of the default 0.2. Anything over 1.0 is considered very high friction