Projectile not generating on hit events

I’m using projectile pooling and am struggling to hits to register when projectiles are reused. When a projectile is reactivated, it’s velocity, simulate physics, actor tick, collision, and notify rigid body collision (simulation generate hit events) are activated, and the actor is set to no longer be hidden.

With all this done, hit events are still not registering with anything. It should be noted that lifespan is set to 0 as well.

Will someone point me in the correct direction to re-enable Simulation Generates Hit Events, please?

Can you provide more information regarding the actor itself, and/or its components you use in regards to collision? I would need to know what the collision set up is in order to better debug what the problem could be. Based on the image, please provide the collision details for the ‘Collision Component’.

Thanks for providing this information. The next thing I would need to know is what the collision set-up is for the asset(s) you are currently trying to generate hit events for; so for example, if you are trying to hit some sort of cube in your level, I would like to know the collision setup of said cube.

Here is also a reference guide to collisions: Collision Overview | Unreal Engine Documentation. You will want to look at the section labeled: “Collision and Simulation Generates Hit Events”.

Yes. I use a sphere collision on the actor, with a static mesh and projectile component as well. Here’s the collision details for the sphere collision.

After reading the documentation, I determined it was a misalignment between the Collision details of both actors. I implemented Block for both, tested this, and now things are working as anticipated.
Thank you for your help, Devin!