For background: I converted my project from 19 to 21 with week and encountered a problem with hit events with one of my actors. It’s a static mesh actor with a projectile movement component attached and nothing else. The mesh has custom collision with two separate boxes. On 4.21 the projectile movement component only sweeps against the first collision component meaning that the other half of the mesh won’t generate a hit event. I looked into this and found that projectile movement components won’t sweep against a child component but this actor only has one component which is the root but the component has multiple collision boxes. I’m not sure if this is an intended change since it was working in 4.19 but I do have a work around.
Now I’m simulating physics on the static mesh while disabling gravity on it. This causes the mesh to sweep against all of it’s collision objects and register hit events for them. I would still like to better understand what’s going on.