when I stand still, my widget is displayed correctly and moves as it should, but when I start to move, my widget moves greatly in the direction in which I am moving, here is a video of this bug and the code for the function that moves my widget
bool UWidgetDuelShooterFunctionLibrary::MoveWidgetByRotator(APlayerController* Owner, FRotator NewWidgetLocation, UWidget* Widget)
if (!Owner || !Widget)
return false;
FVector2D NewOffset;
// Convert rotator for forward vector function
// Pitch = Move widget by Y axis
// Yaw = Move widget by X axis
auto DoesWork = UWidgetLayoutLibrary::ProjectWorldLocationToWidgetPosition(Owner, Owner->GetPawn()->GetActorLocation() + UKismetMathLibrary::GetForwardVector(FRotator{ NewWidgetLocation.Yaw, NewWidgetLocation.Pitch, 0 }), NewOffset, false);
if (!DoesWork)
return false;
FVector2D SubtractOffset = GetWidgetSize(Widget);
SubtractOffset.X = SubtractOffset.X * 0.5 + 27; // for some reason there is such a formula for the correct location of the widget
SubtractOffset.Y = SubtractOffset.Y * 0.5; // half of widget size for center position
return UWidgetDuelShooterFunctionLibrary::MoveWidgetByPixels(NewOffset - SubtractOffset, Widget);
bool UWidgetDuelShooterFunctionLibrary::MoveWidgetByPixels(const FVector2D& NewAbsoluteLocation, UWidget* Widget)
if (!Widget)
return false;
auto CanvasPanelSlot = UWidgetLayoutLibrary::SlotAsCanvasSlot(Widget);
if (!CanvasPanelSlot)
return false;
CanvasPanelSlot->SetOffsets(UWidgetDuelShooterFunctionLibrary::WidgetAbsolutePositionToMargin(NewAbsoluteLocation.X, NewAbsoluteLocation.Y, CanvasPanelSlot));
return true;