Project validation error-Enviroment Trap mounted turret

Project working fine, added Enviroment-Trap-Mounted turret. Project validation errors. Delete added device, errors remain on scripts. Cant find scripts via out liner. Level dead thanks to auto save pwning last good save…

turn OFF auto save (if possible, first thing I am searching after this post).
Don’t use Device “EnviromentTrapTurretMounted”


@ZargonDaWiked sorry to hear about these issues. We’re tracking various issues of this type currently. I was able to reproduce your issue following the steps here: When importing buildings directly from fortnite in flying man mode the project does not pass validation and does not start giving error messages - #12 by HalcyonKnight96 but after hitting the errors I was able to work around them by deleting the device in the UEFN editor.

Did you happen to add this device to your project while in Creative mode with the phone tool?

Negative, pulled from Content browser in UEFN, placed on floor tile. Seems to be “attatched” (not sure of the proper term) to tile and transformation tool used on tile moved both tile and device. I’m aware of the validation errors. This is on me for not thinking of the ramifications of having auto save turned on.

@ZargonDaWiked We really didn’t want Auto-Save to be a negative experience, ideally we will fix all the validation issues here soon and you can feel confident in using auto-save. But, if disabling auto save helps your workflow in the short term then I understand. I’ll keep digging here on why you’re seeing the issues.


Its a new tool set, Its gonna have speed bumps. Anyone reading this as of 30/02/2023 I would recommend turning OFF auto save. Save prior to adding any device or major amount of level building, save and test often. If/when things go wacky revert to last good save.

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Back to the issue though: I was able to drag in a Mounted Turret trap into my empty level in UEFN and didn’t hit any speed validation errors (I DO if I use creative mode). Did you do anything else when you added your mounted turret? If you can reproduce can you take a screenshot for me? Thanks!

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I am having similar issues, and i thought it was related to player spawners but I removed them and still no luck! I have no IDEA what is causing the problem. Ive copied the bug reported and searched for the file in the content drawer and outliner and see nothing :frowning:

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Yeah the program is virtually unusable currently. Following the ctf tutorial and had team working with multiple spawns, multiple class changers and associated items all working reliably. Saved as to hopefully have a working level to fall back to if things went wacky. After saving did nothing other than test level post save…. Surprise….project validation errors……load working save file….project validation errors. Load completely different level which was working……project validation errors….

I’m not sure saving a working map really has any benefit. Seems level needs to save when you push changes, if any validation errors occur they are now saved into your previously working level. Not sure how validation errors are being carried over across different levels.