Project size doesn’t add up. I’ve deleted 25% of my project and project size percentage doesn’t go down, but it does goes up when I add duplicated static mesh from the level.
Steps to Reproduce
Deleted a few static mesh that has a lot of static mesh component to reduce my memory usage. about 15% of my static mesh in my level
Replaced those deleted static mesh with individually detached static mesh. about the same amount of static meshes was replaced.
Built HLODs. I ran it overnight, woke up no errors
Launched the project
Added a few again while the level was loading. (Might be the problem)
Didn’t notice project size between step 3-5 but I’m sitting below 80% before step 1
Panic mode deleted about 10% of the map. but project size doesn’t go down (steps: Delete, Build HLOD, Launch) no difference in % and in Download size
Deleted more adding up to 15% of the level. no change
tried to delete static mesh during project launch. about 10% of the level.
Project size went down 1%.
Expected Result
The same amount of static mesh was replaced, in the map. I should have the same Project size. and for the statistics to reflect accurate sizes of the items
This is definitely HLODs taking up space. They can be tricky to configure and in order to get their size down, you’d need to:
Exclude as much actors/component from HLOD as possible, keep only what’s visible in the distance. This is done through the “Include Actor in HLOD” or “Include Component in HLOD” property.
If you have assets that repeat a lot, it might be worth keeping them as “instances” rather than baking them down in new unique meshes which will require geometry & textures. This is often the trick we use for trees and such. But any mesh that repeats a lot can benefit for this. Set the “HLOD Batching Policy” to “Instancing”.
Make sure to use a sane value for the Loading Range of your World Partition Runtime Grids. If you have a really short loading range, by default the engine will bake more detailed HLODs to avoid popping.
In case you really need to tweak your HLOD settings and want to go down that rabbit hole, in newer UEFN versions you can now access advanced HLOD settings for your HLOD layers. Just enable the “Enable Advanced HLOD Settings” in your project settings.
Finally, HLODs are optional, if you don’t really need them, you can just delete them and regain that memory
FYI in a future version we are planning to add the HLODs to a dedicated bucket in the Project Size report.
Thank you so much for the Help!, I’m now from 110% to 29%, to be honest building HLOD was just a habit of mine when I was still developing in UE5. honestly I cant thank you guys enough. this is quite a lesson, been scratching my head for about 3 days deleting and remaking in the map.