After upgrading the engine source code from 4.22 to 4.23, packaging my project has consistently failed during cooking with this error message:
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): LogCore: Error: Invalid input P=-35.000000 Y=-nan R=0.000000 to FRotator::Quaternion - generated NaN output: X=nan Y=nan Z=nan W=-nan
PackagingResults: Error: Invalid input P=-35.000000 Y=-nan R=0.000000 to FRotator::Quaternion - generated NaN output: X=nan Y=nan Z=nan W=-nan`
This error has appeared during 4.22 as well, though it appeared to be random and occurred about 10% of the time. Now however, it comes up consistently during cooking, thus rendering the project unable to package.
This is only the case with my main project though, other (empty) projects can be packaged just fine. Multiple rebuilds of UE4 have not helped, and clearing the project’s Intermediate, Build & Saved folders did nothing either.
The problem is that this error message is literally all I get. No information on which package produces this, or which line of code (if it even is code related).
So my question therefore is, how could I possibly begin to figure out what produces this problem? It’s been in the project since a while (since I mentioned even with previous UE4 versions it would occur occasionally), and it doesn’t occur in other projects, so it has to be some file/asset that causes this. The only question is how to find out which one. Any help is appreciated.