Hi , i tried to package my project in order to do some tests but i got errors during the cooking process.
I selected the build configuration : development and packaged for windows 64 bit.
I upload the log file of packaging process.
Hi , i tried to package my project in order to do some tests but i got errors during the cooking process.
I selected the build configuration : development and packaged for windows 64 bit.
I upload the log file of packaging process.
I use version 4.6 , and i’d like to know too why can’t i use the 64 bit version in the shipping package mod
Hey killerandrew88,
Thank you for reporting this issue. I am unsure if you have seen this previous thread where users were seeing similar errors to what you currently are.
As for shipping builds not currently able to package for 64 bit, I was able to see that, in 4.6, the option is greyed out. I also checked this option in our internal build and the option is not. This errors has been fixed in a later build. At this time I am currently unsure as to when this will be released to the public, but it has been addressed.
Please let me know if the above information has been helpful.
Thanks and have a great day!
Howdy Killer,
Just wanted to check in with you and see if this issue is still occurring. Please be sure to let me know so that I may further investigate this issue.