project killing errors but no errors

I’m building a project heavely in c++ everything is going fine. the code is compiling in visual studio as well as the editor, everything is good. Somehow an error occurs. No problem I’ll just backtrack. There aren’t any mistakes, strange. I’ll revert the code to a previous accepted state. It still wont compile. I select use “last successful build” and make it back to the editor. but the output log also shows no errors, accept I’m getting a strange message: " No PDB file found for module UnrealEditor … Live coding will be disabled for this module"

And the project is dead. you might be thinking “well they must have missed a mistake”. I don’t think so, Im pretty certain. I’ve tried rebuilding the solution, I’ve tried rebuilding the project files, nothing works. I’ve been programming in unreal for 3 years and never had these issues and all the sudden they keep happening. am I going senile?

There’s not much info to go off of, when you say “an error occurs” what kind of error ? Also where it won’t compile, do we have any compilation errors ?

If you’re not using unreal from source try verifying the installation from the epic launcher see if it can fix any issues.

Another issue might be the MSVC version you’re using, latest UE5 recommends using a certain version I think it was 14.38

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No compilation errors, no errors that I can see? (I’m not formally educated in visual studio I might plumb miss some otherwise obvious diagnostics), just a popup window:

Screenshot 2024-10-18 202237

no errors in the output log when recompiling through the editor either. Previously for me the in editor recompiler has always caught every error, or if it slips by the recompiler it will crash the editor when I go to play the build. At which point I use breakpoints in VS to hunt down the error. I’ve never had errors like these, where they don’t show up in the in editor recompile, but cause VS to fail to compile.

I just updated my unreal engine version if thats what your saying, I’m getting this problem with both UE version 5.3.2 and 5.4.4 I dont think its the engine

I don’t know if this is MSVC 14.38 but I would assume so:

I’m getting all kinds of funny business. when I got back into my project to respond it worked! but then I tried to re-enable live coding and it broke again. Thank you kaidoom! it’s nice to talk to somebody about this

Hi there @lazyFrond! I recall seeing that popup in VS before. I pulled a Google search and found a thread where some people were discussing it. (This is a third party link and not directly from Epic. But, it may be helpful for you) visual studio - Would you like to continue and run the last successful build? - Stack Overflow

That popup is telling you something is wrong in some C++ code. When you get that popup select No and then go to the output log or the error list and see where the issue is, if you can post those errors I can try to help.

Here’s a quick video showing an example on purpose so I can get the same popup.
If you don’t see the output log or error list you should find them in View option shown in the video. When selecting the error list make sure to filter by build errors only.

Hey there!

Could you try rebuilding the whole project? I have seen some issues before related to the use of LiveCoding since it just patches somehow the running editor. Sometimes it just makes a mess, so the best approach is to eventually launch a clean build.

For this, in Visual Studio you can go to Build->Rebuild.

If the issue still persists, try deleting the Binaries and Intermediate folder (maybe Saved too). This should fix the issue if you don’t have any actual errors.

Let me know if that works for you!


I’ve saw this happen before as well, @dacabad. Good call!