Project Has Been Locked For Some Reason we don't know. Maybe is a mistake ?

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Project Has Been Locked For Some Reason we don’t know. Maybe is a mistake ?

Steps to Reproduce


Expected Result

That we can publish our map and can acces in UEFN to uptade it.

Observed Result

[DEP] Backend dependency returned unexpected error


All platforms

Island Code


Additional Notes

I’m reaching out to you directly because it has now been three weeks since I contacted support regarding an issue with a map (code: 0473-4532-6317). During that interaction, I was informed that the problem would be forwarded to the team responsible for map verification to be addressed.

However, as of today, I have not received any updates or confirmation that the issue is being worked on or resolved. Given the significance of this matter to me, I am keen to understand the status of the verification process and whether a solution is anticipated in the near future.

Thank you for your understanding, and I am available to provide any additional information that might be helpful.

Kind regards,