Project has been locked by administrator

@Kamyker have you reached out to Player Support about this issue?

Yes, still waiting for response. I don’t understand why these insignificant clones are getting banned but a lot worse maps that break IP rules don’t:

Even if third party intellectual property otherwise exists in Fortnite (such as Locker items and Characters based on movie or TV characters), you do not have the right to use that content to create your island without a separate license from that third party.

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And now this map has changed thumbnail to look similar to Bang Bang and got all of their players.

But with the project locked i cant change or remove what they feel does not adhere to content guidelines. Nor do they give me any clues to what it is, which is probably why i got locked in the first place.

I can imagine the number of locked projects will quickly rise with more and more being advised to come here for answers.

Thanks for trying Halcyon.

@here Player Support should be equipped to address project lock/content review/moderation issues. In the event you don’t receive an adequate response from Player Support in a timely manner (think like 1-2 business days) please reach out to me via DM with your Player Support ticket number and I’ll work to escalate your issue. We’re working hard to provide users with the tools to address these issues themselves but this is a sensitive topic and needs to be treated with an overabundance of care.

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Thank you, I really wish moderation team could simply fill a textbox with details when rejecting/disabling a map. One or two sentences would be enough in most cases.

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Another weird issue I’m seeing is that maps are getting shadow banned and don’t appear in Discovery anymore. Please, make shadow bans visible in Creator Dashboard so we can fix our maps quicker.

This is not my guess but was a case at least once confirmed here:

Thanx to Halcyon my project was unlocked and returned to its previous status. So it is possible to have a project unlocked.

I still have no clues to what content causes the project to fail publishing, so will probably end up locked again soon. But at least others who get locked can rest assured it can be resolved.

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Did support unlocked the project? Where did you create a ticket? Here: or Fortnite Creative ?

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Originally i went to player support here Epic Games Technical Support & Customer Service | Epic Games

But they twice sent me to these forums to find answers.
Here i got help from Halcyon who contacted people who could do something.

I also believe i may have found what was causing my project to be rejected. I had a short URL to my youtube account on a wall poster. I shortend it to just my account name and now publishing is approved every time now.

Why they could not just tell me ‘use of url’ in the rejection report, could have saved alot of time and energy. :roll_eyes:

I guess i shouldn’t try linking to any external payment systems in future :rofl:


We’re absolutely aware of some gaps with our messaging to users with regards to moderation and content review and we’re working hard to address them. Thank you all for your patience :smile:


One last note on this. After going through all this, they removed my project from the discovery tab. That makes a HUGE difference to player counts. If it ever returns to Discovery i’ll mention it here.

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My Island (Ice Station Z) was also locked then unlocked and doesn’t seem to be included in the browse UEFN section or anywhere. It’s heartbreaking tbh.

Well, I was told that my map won’t be unbanned. What’s worse is that I still don’t know exactly why. Support told me 2 reasons, one of them was:

Elements that mislead players with regard to in-game items are featured in this island’s thumbnail, which is against our “Keep It Authentic” section of the Content Rules

I asked about more info (what part of the thumbnail was misleading etc) but they answered with:

I understand your concern in this matter, but kindly note that due to privacy reasons, we are unable to discuss any more details in this matter.

Privacy reasons? I’m speechless…

@Stevie-Moon, I just want to make you aware that player support will not and refuse to give more information over what is stated in the email in relation to discovery rejection moderation. They State security concerns as a reason they cannot share information and suggest going to discord/forums or the links already in the rejection email.

There is clearly an issue at present with the way Epic deals with rejections, the help creators can receive to resolve them and what different departments within Epic think other departments are actually doing or able to do in relation to rejections.

If this is something you can bring up internally so the situation can be improved for creators, that would be much appreciated.

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Hello HalcyonKnight96,
Could I clarify what is considered a “URL”?

  1. Is it still considered a URL if the http:// or https:// is removed? i.e: it is not a clickable link…,
  2. Is it still considered a URL if it includes the domain extension (.com .net .info etc)?
  3. Is it still considered a URL if it is written “name dot com” for example?
  4. Is it OK to put “Google [Business Name]” for example?
  5. Or does epic simply prefer players not to be directed off the island at all?
    Any clarifications I think would be very helpful.
    For other developer’s info’ I would like to mention to check you don’t have ANY photos of people on your island, I made that mistake! :innocent:
    Best wishes,

@Carl_Henry_Global These are questions that I don’t really have the authority to answer. I’ll bring them up with the team and try to get a response.

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