For reasons I cannot fathom, my project has stopped loading. It now crashes around 70% and pops up the crash report dialog. Looking at the reports, I see
MyProject.uproject ... Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr [File:C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.11\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Map.h] [Line: 520]
Any ideas, anyone?
Make sure that your TMaps are in the correct syntax in UE4. Maybe you didn’t use TMap.Add(tkey,tvalue); correctly? Could be anything, but it does seem like that’s the problem probably. Also, make sure that your pointers are initialized correctly.
Yeah I did have a TMap rbut I commented it out. The code builds in Visual Studio, So I don’t think it’s that.
I agree. Things got a bit tangled an hour or two back because I created a class which it insisted on putting into the public / private folders (which I didn’t want). I moved the code out of there because it didn’t build. But really, it should moan about a missing file and not just die on me.
Try to clean and then rebuild your solution. Also, right click on the that actual uproject and Generate.
This is why I always use SourceTree, and revert changes
But, I think you are missing something in your source, while it may have compiled just fine, I think you are still missing something.
Oh wow, why did that make it so big. I was trying to do hashtag…so fail.