Project corrupted with the new licensing model

Hello, I have been working on a number of scans with the new licensing model. This morning I try to open the projects and half of them are corrupted. What is going on? Can they be saved?

It says. Error loading component 0 from location…

Hello @Robbit,
this is quite strange.
Where are your projects saved? It seems that there was some kind of an issue during the saving of the project. How have you saved your projects?
Have you tries this solution:Loading Project: Invalid or corrupted input data?

They are all saved in the same folder structure. Some got corrupted some didnt.
I noticed something a day before, that when exporting the dense model it complained about a missing codec. Very odd. Still saved the export succesfully. The next day these files where corrupted. Some files will have been done in the previous PPI version and then resaved in the new version Might be a factor. I also had to relink some images for no reason at all. I havent changed the folder names or anything.

I have now started from scratch. Trying to finish a project before closing it down, because I dont trust the program to open files anymore. Its ok for small scans, but devastating for huge scans.
