Project converted from 4.6.1 to 4.7 crashes on startup

My Project which runs fine in 4.6.1 crashes on startup in 4.7. More exactly, it crashes on loading of my Map. If I don’t load my map at startup, project does not crash until I either try to open the map or open any blueprint or hit play.


If it helps I am willing to upload my 4.6.1 project or the converted 4.7 project.

Exact same issue here. My post

Good to know I am not the only one with the issue. And sad that Epic was not able to fix it since you posted it more than 2 weeks ago. And even more sad Epic released the “stable” 4.7 even though people can’t convert their projects properly. Some more preview releases would not have hurt.

It is loading a map that also causes my crash, as with yours. Converting my project and having it open a blank map is fine - but open ANY map = crash.

I’ve tried everything imaginable.

Deleted all UMG widgets, checked every single BP for errors, cloned, convert as copy, convert in place, skip conversion, migrated, used a command prompt to resave packages, etc etc.

Hey guys, I think I have found a solution to a similar problem I was having and it could potentially be a solution for you.

Fingers crossed it works because I know how frustrating it can be.

Hey John,

I have entered this under UE-11029. I was wondering if you had a chance to go through and try deleting/renaming a bunch of Blueprints or if you’re continuing to work in 4.6.1 for the time being?

Hi , thanks a lot.

I don’t really understand your question, why should I delete or rename a bunch of blueprints?

Its entered as “UE-11029” and 4.7.1 unly fixed up to “UE-10826”. I hope there will be a 4.7.2.

Still happens in 4.7.1 for me.

I will try my BPs but I have a LOT.

Mine was entered as UE-10157

I have tried to convert (copy) several earlier projects to 4.7.1 They all hang when loading at 94% which I find curious. I was able to convert a 4.5 project by converting in place. This is a scary thing to do given I have a lot of work into my latest 4.6.1 project. I sure do need a fix!

I think this is another issue and you should create a separate thread on the answerhub for your problem.

I wonder why they enter the same bug multiple times…

Hey guys,

These issues have similar repro steps, but different logs and callstacks. While duplicates do happen from time to time, in this case they were different enough to necessitate separate bug reports. We’re actively working on these issues and thank you for your patience.

That definitely makes sense, thank you.

Hey Guys,

Unless there are further questions in this thread that aren’t being addressed in other threads that have been opened, I’m marking this as answered for tracking purposes. Feel free to comment on the answer if you’d like to re-open it.
