My project is 5.1.0, but after updating Unreal to 5.1.1, it can’t open and no responding.
Please help me; I’m in a hurry. Thank you
I solved thie problem by launch engine 5.1.1 first, then open my project, then it’s ok
My project is 5.1.0, but after updating Unreal to 5.1.1, it can’t open and no responding.
Please help me; I’m in a hurry. Thank you
I solved thie problem by launch engine 5.1.1 first, then open my project, then it’s ok
I have a similar problem with the shaders compile, the UE5 crashes.
Hey there @Jessexing and @Himiko_bln! Could you let it roll until it crashes and bring back the crash logs? Upgraded projects sometimes suffer from a Niagara system issue, and that might be the case. However, new version so we may need to see the exact error before I can make a workaround. It should be in your projects Saved folder.
Example thread:
I’m also having the same issue, sent a bug report but nothing yet.
Watching these posts and comments on it just in case.
I always get this message.
and here is my log file again
Refuge_Zone_Beta.log (675.8 KB)
I have re-installed the UE5 and have cleared the cache. but the problem is still. i don’t know if i have solved all the cash files. there must be some i don’t know how to solve.
Ohhhh, yours is pointing at TSR issues. A workaround to be able to work on the project in the meantime would be to disable TSRAA in the meantime and maybe drop back the RHI to DX11 to see if the project is stable in the short term.
Ok I’ll test it out I have a Geforce 3080 RTX installed in my computer
ok , thank you now the project starts. THANKS!
Now I can work again for the time being.
Awesome! This is only a temporary workaround, this error sometimes stems from graphics driver issues, however if it didn’t occur for you in base 5.1 it might be something specifically in the hotfix of 5.1.1 that’s causing it. There’s been issues with 30XX series users experiencing crashes with the rendercore and with DX12 in general, and they almost always point back to GPU drivers. It’s possible to reinstall your drivers cleanly, specifically the studio drivers, and also reset your Nvidia settings you may be able to correct this issue. In your case, if you get more crashes, please let me know and we can take those crash logs and see where it could be failing.
As for driver issues with Nvidia - Epic’s plugin GPUlightmass is reported by its developer Luoshuang to have problems with Nvidia drivers newer than 522.25
See Epic's GPUlightmass - #423 by Luoshuang
and Epic's GPUlightmass - #438 by Luoshuang
So maybe try to roll back to that driver so you can use DX12 and TSRAA again?
I solved thie problem by launch engine 5.1.1 first, then open my project, then it’s ok
Great! I’m glad it works, if this crash pops back up, please let me know as I’m tracking this issue for a number of other users questions. For anyone reading this, it could have been due to shaders being redone while the engine was spinning up at once causing the freezing.
Hi, I’ve just updated to the 5.1.1 and the screensplash of UE freezes when it is compiling shades in 45%!! I’ can’t open any project. Please any help¿??
Hey there @RacaTom! Welcome to the community! I’m currently working on the same issue on this thread listed below.
Feel free to answer the same questions I asked that user on that thread as well and we can work it through there!
I’ve deleted the files in AppData/Local/UnrealEngine/Common/DerivedDataCache
And no works, stills in 45% compiling shaders
I’m seeing more reports of shader compilation never completing on 5.1.1 while being successful on 5.1.0, so the usual workaround isn’t likely to work here.
Open CMD then cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64
Then unrealenginelauncher.exe-log
I ended up rolling back to 5.0.3 for now, with no issues. Hopefully a fix in the next update. Thanks for the help though.
Unreal is a really advanced software, with which many people create astounding projects. What I do get from this discussion is that there are quite a few people having basic problems like long loading times. I myself have been waiting for an hour (starting up the first time: wait for it to load (shaders), then create a new project, and again: wait half an hour.
So, my constructive criticism is: expand your regression testing, and also use machines that have existing versions and use the regular upgrade process. If you only do regression testing on newly installed machines, you will miss out a lot of bugs. I know Unreal is a real sophisticated software program, but basic bugs like long loading times should have been detected before release. And yes, I totally accept that there will be things that need fixing, after it has been released to the public, and I can live with that.