Progress Bar Percent in Loading Screen using Slate C++ ?


I am making ‘Loading Screen’ using C++.

I see I can’t use ‘Loading Screen Plug In’ because the default screen does not show up at all when changing in-between maps. ( Default Screen does not seem to kick in. · Issue #2 · ue4plugins/LoadingScreen · GitHub )

So I am developing ‘Loading Screen’ using Slate ( A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums )

I am wondering if it is possible to determine % completion on level load so that I can add a progress bar to the loading screen widget.

But I see it can’t in ver 4.4 ( Loading Screen in UMG - UI - Epic Developer Community Forums )

It was ver 4.4

I am using 4.10

I am wondering it is still not possible.

If not, there’s a way to make it possible?


I also wanted the same thing.
My project is completely huge. I need only the loading screen.

A lot of people said that it’s not possible in ue4.
But it’s already done in the shooter demo.

Have you found a solution to this?

Try this, this might help you. It is a plugin for loading screen.

I needed this as well and finally figured out how to do it, atleast as of 4.20.x, UE4 Loading Screen with Progress · GitHub

GetAsyncLoadPercentage can be adapted to display progress indicators for any other type of asynchronously loaded package in a cooked game as well, such as when using Async Load nodes.


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