Programmatically set blueprint defaults in editor


I need to programmatically assign default values to a blueprint’s parameters in the editor via c++ (at editor time).
The idea is to change the default values, recompile the blueprint and then all instances of it will automatically update to the new values.

I have the code below, it runs, but the default value doesn’t change in the editor. If I read back the set value it is correct.

void UEditBlueprint::TestSetPropertyDefault(UBlueprint* aBlueprint)
	UBoolProperty* boolProp = Cast<UBoolProperty>(aBlueprint->GeneratedClass->FindPropertyByName(FName(TEXT("SetPropertyTestBool"))));
	boolProp->SetPropertyValue_InContainer(aBlueprint, true);
	// Test read back
	bool propVal = boolProp->GetPropertyValue_InContainer((UObject*)(aBlueprint));


It is needed for an automation pipeline, so ideally I want to solve it like this, not with setting values of every reference in every level. This example is for a bool, the actual parameter will be an array of actors which are created programmatically.

I have tried many different approaches and am out of ideas. I think I might be working on a wrong reference or perhaps missing a call which propagates the change (to the UI)?

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If I don’t misunderstand what you’re trying to achieve, I believe you can change the default values simply by setting any values on Class->GetDefaultObject(). If I remember correctly, it’ll be propagated back to the editor immediately.

Thanks that did the trick, I needed to call the above code on the default object.
The change is reflected in the editor, but not propagated to the instances, I will look into that now, as it does work when setting manually.

This doesn’t seem to work. Changing the values in the default object doesn’t seem to affect any instances of that actor in my map.