Procedural Nature Pack - Vol.1

Hey guys,

The pack has been accepted and is set for release THIS WEDNESDAY! I will continue to use this thread for support, comments, or questions on the pack throughout it’s life. If you purchase the pack and like it! Please feel free to comment and rate it on the web page as I would very much appreciate that. If you notice any bugs, have any issues with the pack, or any questions please email me first so we can get it sorted out for you. I can be contacted in this thread or at this email address
Thanks so much for your patience everyone and I can’t wait for you all to check it out! :slight_smile:

I have a video finished up and ready to share with you all for the pack as well!
This one shows a lot more of the environment and re-iterates on some of the features I shared in the previous videos. Enjoy!

Congrats! Can’t wait to get my hands on this incredible looking pack. Stellar work Jacob.

Just watched the latest video and I wanted to say this looks REALLY good! I love the spline based water with auto-foam and speed control. Really well done!


I cant find it

Thanks guys! Thanks a lot Warren :slight_smile:

Kanizitas - it will be 69 when it is released. Thank you!

Hey everyone!

It’s been released today!!! Please feel free to check it out and I posted a comment on the page as well which I will re-iterate here for all of you.

From the comment:
“Hi everyone! I hope you all enjoy the Procedural Nature Pack! If you like it and want to tell people about it, please feel free to rate it and leave a comment here :slight_smile: If you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to email me first and we can try to sort out any issues you might have. Thank you for your support!

Thanks to everyone who has been following this thread throughout and if you pick up the pack today please let me know if you notice any issues or having any concerns as I want to fix this pack up with anything you find and make it one of the best nature packs on the market with all of your help :slight_smile:
Thank you!

will purchase , i really hope to see some tropical trees like palms and stuff :smiley:

Hi Axxi, thanks for your purchase :slight_smile:
Currently the pack doesn’t contain any palm trees, but that is not to say an update or future expansion pack would not contain palm trees! That’s a great Idea and I think would work very well with this system. Thanks for the suggestion

I picked it up. It’s fantastic. Mind if I make a tutorial soon?

Hi Darkholder,
That’s so great to hear!! Thank you :slight_smile:
I would be more than happy if you wanted to talk a little bit about your time with the assets and how you use them! I hope to get around to make a little video myself as well, but it’s slow moving for me to get things done unfortunately I am only able to work nights and weekends on this stuff.
Thanks again and please feel free to share your scene and experience with the pack!

Purchased :smiley:

Thanks for the support Savior! I know that you’ve been following this project since the beginning and I really appreciate it :slight_smile:
I would be so very happy if after you try the pack out, if you like it and could share some comments and a rating on the web store that would be super awesome! And of course let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns and we can try to get it sorted out for you.
Thanks again :wink:

Can somebody tell if trees have wind sway animation ( do they react to wind ) ?

And what is the project size ( in GB ) ?


The branches do have wind animation, and the size is 2 GB.

Hey Jacob,

This looks awesome, I echo the sentiments from the other users. I did have a question though. I went to buy it and before I downloaded it Unreal told me I don’t have any compatible engines. I have 4.7.6 downloaded, will the content work with that?


Jacob, if you have time today, I looked at the project last night instead of going to bed like I should have :stuck_out_tongue: and I was looking for a couple of landscape things, namely the grass instances to add grass/rocks/trees/etc…, is it possible to use the speedtree stuff in the package?

The demo scene does look pretty awesome! Too bad I need to troubleshoot my DK2 tracker, seems it’s having bandwidth issues and won’t initialize ><

Thanks for the compliments, I’m glad you like the scene :slight_smile: Haha it’s ok every once and a while to stay up a little too late, especially when its for a good reason! :wink:


As for speedtree stuff, I haven’t tried using the two things together, but possible you could save the branches from the tree that speed tree creates and replace the branch model options on my spline blueprints to make some cool varieties of stuff :slight_smile:

R_Fridge, I think you emailed already? and I went ahead and mentioned that the pack was made it at least version 4.8 I believe. You can quickly download it through the Epic Games Launcher and then you should have no problems starting up the pack!

I also put together a quick tutorial with images for anyone having trouble trying to setup their landscapes inside of the engine! This will help you with getting the layer info setup and using the correct materials for the landscape. Enjoy and let me know if anyone has any questions!

All of the mud and grass textures include both versions with puddles already in them and versions with no puddles. So that way you can choose which one works best for you if you’d rather have it in the texture or paint it on yourself later. Also whichever one you think looks better, it’s all up to you! :slight_smile:
Lastly, as a “Pro-tip” If you paint the puddles layer onto your terrain at a low strength/opacity at like 0.05 or 0.1, you can make the materials just look wet like if they are near the river or a lake. Just thought to throw that out there :wink:


have a question: in the grass some of the grass planes are very dark/black and the ferns are very dark in the middle of them… anyway to get rid of that? it doesnt look very good