Procedural Hallway Generation?

Okay so I’m trying to make procedural hallway generation using blueprint actors and right now all I have is a simple Hallway actor and a hallway generator.

The hallway actor is a simple blueprint actor with just a floor mesh and it also has a scene component on each edge. from what I know I can connect the hallways together using scene components.

The Hallway generator is just a regular actor blueprint that I want to store all the generation code in. There is a scene component in the hallway generator that I want to use as the start point for the hallways generation. right now all the generator does is spawn a single hallway and that’s pretty much it.

I want the Generator to spawn a hallway piece and then spawn another one and attach the new one to the previous hallway piece from one of the scene components at its edges.

I have no idea how to do it, I haven’t even found a way to make the hallway spawn with one of its edge sockets attached to the hallway generator spawn point. I’ve spent all day looking for solutions on how to spawn actors off of actors and attach them at certain points but I have found nothing.

If you need me to go into more detail about what it is I’m trying to achieve just ask and I’ll explain.

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Hey! I remember you! :rofl:

How about you - and anyone else seeking help - just explain to begin with?

The way people on here write to ask for stuff…
I wonder if you just expect us read your minds or something.

Either way.
It all depends on what you are doing and how you want to do it.

Look up seed generation. Maybe if you learn about that you’ll come up with your own ideas.

Have the first room spawn and place the next on fixed “anchors”, then have the next to do the same, etc…

Maybe if you’d show us what you’ve done in blueprint or C++ perhaps we could be of more help.

No. It really doesn’t.
We don’t know what you got or how it works.
Any suggestion is sheer conjecture.

Many ways to do the same thing too depending on end goal.
Is it a maze? Are you connecting main rooms? Etc…

okay nevermind I got my blueprints working, sorry for the vague answers I was tired when I wrote most of this stuff so my brain didn’t function properly to make coherent stuff lol.