Procedural Foliage/many instances reduce wind-effect


I am using the PF spawner to create lots of trees in a landscape.
The trunk/branches and the leafs are having the same sine based sway effect, and it works perfectly when I just inserts a couple of trees into the landscape. The sway is controlled by material instance parameters and not by a directional wind source,

I have found that the more instanses the PF spawns the less the wind/sway effect, so when its like 10 trees its fine but at some point the sway almost disapears.

I suppose that if I manually create a lot of instances the problem will be the same, but im not sure.

I have read some other post about the same problem but no solutions.

It seems strange that the number of instances can influence each instance.

I have attached part of the material graph for the trunk, which have the effect to bend the whole trunk based on some sway parameters.


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Same issue here. Would appresiate any more info on that.

That’s usually fixable by changing the PivotPoint to use the instance friendly pin (the lower pin) of the ObjectPivot node in later versions of UE.

I just plugged Mesh Particle Pivot Location into my PivotPoint instead of Object Pivot Location, but that changed nothing for me. I’m on 5.0 by the way.

It may be you’re using ObjectRadius - check out this post:

I was using BoundingBoxUV node for extracting height info of instances [following PrismaticaDev wind tutorial] but I replaced it with Absolute World Position (excluding material offsets) and divide it by ObjectPivotPoint and now it’s all fine.

Thanks anyway for your help!

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