I think was reading somewhere about procedural buildings, with Blueprints??
I would like to have some type of procedural or mask for static mesh such as foliage, rocks, trees etc. so the mask is easily edited/saved, there is no worry’s about losing the common asset layers if the landscape needs reimport…
Any links or info would be greatly appreciated, thx.
Hi Kevin,
I have some questions about what you are trying to accomplish. Is the idea here that you are trying to define the x/y positions of objects and then have the landscape determine their z placement so everything appears on the surface? Could you please expand on what effect the end result of the blueprint would have?
Thank you,
Yes, just some randomly placed 3d mesh objects on the landscape surface and/or some kind of RGB mask to use with the landscape/foliage for assets such as 3d tree, grass, rock meshes etc…
Hi Kevin,
There are blueprint functions included that could be used to determine object placement. A Line Trace detecting -Z can be used to find the z locations of any given spot of landscape (or any object), then you can have the blueprint base object placement off of that. It would retrieve the location data and align the spawned mesh. So if you were to have a House placer for example, it would “drop” the house to the correct height of a randomly raised landscape.
I hope that this helps. If there is anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.