After building lighting I am getting some wierd shadows.
My leaf material is masked and two sided.
After building lighting I am getting some wierd shadows.
My leaf material is masked and two sided.
Could it be a problem with your light maps?
Hey ChaseK -
I believe Breakobs may be correct can you post a screenshot of you UV1 unwrap?
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
And here’s the fbx file if you want it.
Hey ChaseK -
The “Black Smudges” are generated by a lack of a correct lightmap unwrap. Here is your FBX opened up in Max so I can look at the UV0 Channel, which is what the Textures use to apply materials, and UV1, which is what the Lightmass will use to bake the lighting:
Take a look at UDK: Lightmapping Basics and 18 Important Principles for Creating and Using Lightmaps for UDK, its a great primer on setting these up correctly.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Thanks for the help I will look into that