I can say that the project has crashed, I have lost all the textures, some are flickering, I do not know what is happening, this is the 2nd time! I asked the GPT Chat, it didn’t help! Please help, it’s urgent, it’s a college job!
on top of viewport, there is menu where you can change what is visible, and anoither that changres render mode.
Try changing render mode first, see if all stuff is there in level.
Then look in menu where you turn on/off what is visible.
Post some pics.
From current pic it looks like eitherr unlit mode turned on , or you have really bad phone camera (if so do screenshoot insted). Meshes may be also HIDDEN
I send screenshoots
And if I export all the assets to another, newly created project. This will fix my problem, the question is also whether the Blueprint Code is exported… I just don’t want to recreate the project from 0…