I have a problem with getting an icon to appear. Probably I have done some simple error or false assumption but I just can’t understand why it will not work.
I have a plugin with a toolbar button that I want an icon with.
In the plugin StartupModule method, I have this code (which worked in another project) but it now fails.
void FMyPluginModule::StartupModule()
StyleSet = MakeShareable(new FSlateStyleSet("MyPluginStyle"));
FString RelPath = FPaths::ProjectPluginsDir() / TEXT("MyPlugin/Resources");
FString FullPath = IFileManager::Get().ConvertToAbsolutePathForExternalAppForRead(*RelPath);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Resource Path: %s"), *FullPath);
const FVector2D Icon40x40(40.0f, 40.0f);
const FVector2D Icon20x20(20.0f, 20.0f);
StyleSet->Set("MyPluginIcon", new FSlateImageBrush(StyleSet->RootToContentDir(TEXT("Icon40"), TEXT(".png")), Icon40x40));
StyleSet->Set("MyPluginIcon.Small", new FSlateImageBrush(StyleSet->RootToContentDir(TEXT("Icon20"), TEXT(".png")), Icon20x20));
LOCTEXT("MyPluginEdModeName", "MyPluginEdMode"),
FSlateIcon("MyPluginIcon", "MyPluginIcon.Small"),
The log properly prints the absolute path to the folder, I have tried to replace it with the relative path as well but it does not help.
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Resource Path: %s"), *FullPath);
The folder contains the valid image icons called Icon40.png and Icon20.png
Does anyone see if I have coded something wrong here?
Do I need to register the FSlateStyleSet somewhere else or earlier?
This code works perfectly in other projects.