Problems with Command Line Encoder (Rendering to MP4)

I’m on UE5.0, trying to render my sequence and export that in video format (I’m trying MP4).

I followed all the steps recommended in tutorials out there.

After it renders I get 3 types of errors:
MoviePipelinePIEExecutor: Warning: Shot/Camera “shot0002_01(2)” starts on a sub-frame. Rendered range has been rounded to the previous frame to match Sequencer.
MoviePipelinePIEExecutor: Warning: Frame number identifier not found. Files may be overwritten.

Does anyone has any idea why this is not working and what I have to do to fix it?

Can anyone help me out here ? :slightly_smiling_face:

It looks like Unreal is failing to find the path to ffmpeg – even though your path is pretty standard. Maybe the space in the file path is messing it up?

I recommend adding ffmpeg to your path environment variables, that way instead of adding the full path to the ffmpeg install location in your Project Settings, you just need to write ffmpeg

I think ur just missing the quotation marks (" ") before and after the ffmpeg.exe.