Problems applying self textures

Hi there, I created a basic geometry on Sketchup and exported using Datasmith as i usually do.
Thing is, when I create my materials and drag and drop into the actors, it doesn’t show the material created on the model. There is not a mistake of exporting bc i put a material of the engine content and it works, I don’t know if I have a disabled option or something, the real-time option is enabled… Please help!

Hi @mcfrank.343! Welcome to the Forums!

Do your materials work on basic geometry created in engine? Would you mind sharing your material settings and properties?

Any additional info would be a big help in figuring out your problem!

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Hey! Thanks. It’s a basic config, I took some captures of the material I’m creating for the tesselation:

I discovered that the material created works on the unreal geometry and other complex geometry, but not in the datasmith exported geometry. And checking other forums, the problem seems to be the edges of the geometry exported :frowning: I don´t know how to solve it, if I can add edges on unreal because on SketchUP maybe it’s not possible…

This is an exagerated example, of course hahaha. The box is from the engine, the pillow is part of an asset, the material aplied is shown on the actors, but not on the walls of the Sketchup geometry :confused:

Can you show us the material that is currently applied on one of your mesh from sketchup as well as the UV for that material?

Hi! Been a while looking for the issue and I found it: UE need objects with high mapping, thing that on SketchUP cannot be generated. It’s an issue of the program itself because exporting from 3ds max to Unreal the material works perfectly.
So well, gotta make some changes in the workflow.