Problem with VFX Powerup Device - VFX is ONLY visible to owner

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Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?



VFX Powerup Device does not display Custom Effect for other players even though:

  • Selected Class = Any
  • Selected Team = Any
  • Apply = Player
  • Who can see this powerup = All
  • Team Relationship Visibility = Everyone
    Effect IS visible and spawns correctly for a local player.
    Checked burst spawn, spawn rate and different loop settings for both Niagara Emitters and System itself.
    Problems started to appear after recent updates. First they stopped working for Players joining mid-session. In the next patch they stopped working for any player that’s not the Owner.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a custom Niagara System based off of Infinite Particle Lifetime template.
  • set Emitter to use local space and scale Initial size 5x
  1. Add to world Visual Effect Powerup device with given settings:
  • created Custom Effect as our spawned affect
  • Selected Class = Any
  • Selected Team = Any
  • Apply = Player
  • Who can see this powerup = All
  • Team Relationship Visibility = Everyone
  • Custom Effect Socket = Base (or any really)
  1. Add Trigger to world.
  2. Create a Verse Device using that code:
    "using { / }
    using { / }

test_vfx_device := class(creative_device) :

@editable TestTrigger : trigger_device = trigger_device{}
@editable TestVFXPowerup : visual_effect_powerup_device = visual_effect_powerup_device{}

OnBegin<override>()<suspends> : void =

AttachVFX(MaybeAgent : ?agent) : void =
    if(Agent := MaybeAgent?):
  1. Compile and plug VFX and trigger device
  2. Run a game with at least 2 players
  3. Walk into the trigger using one character.
  4. Notice that only Triggering player sees the VFX

Expected Result

Both Players should see VFX attached to Picking character.

Observed Result

Only Owner of VFX sees particle


Checked on PC: Editor Session, Private Build and Soft Launched Public Build

Island Code


Additional Notes

As mentioned things went south after recent updates.

FORT-764144 incident has been created. Status is ‘Unconfirmed’.