Problem with the road after the update.

Hello guys, I have problem with my road after the update something changed … I dont know why and how tryed to fix that 2 hours but without any succes

I upload two photos befure the update and after
As you can see in the picture, before the update I could make road down to the land or to up and it could make a new land but now … the road disapre down and no new land when there is road … its just in the sky

need help here please :slight_smile:

Succes road

@EditDownZigi Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here: Fortnite Creative

There should be a setting for the road spline control points underneath the content viewer labeled “affects landscape.” There is a chance that this setting got disabled with the update and you just need to re-enable it on all of the spline points.