Hi, at the moment i work on a multyplatform game for pc desktop (windows/mac/linux) and mobile (at the moment only android), the project is started with option for pc desktop/console in full hd with compatible platform selected and configured (at the moment only windows and android are configured).
after this little preface the problem is this: landscape texture and all foliage object put into level with foliage tool are rendered well when I test the level on windows (PIE)l but when I test the level with mobile (PIE) or directly on my android device the texture aren’t rendered.
Hey ,
Could you please provide additional information about your issue?
- Which version of the engine are you on? Help > About Unreal Editor
- Are you on Source or Binary?
- Did you create the materials yourself?
- Are you able to reproduce this in a new project?
- If so, what are the steps to do so?
[Unreal Engine 4 Documentation: Mobile Previewer][1]
Using the Mobile Previewer in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
- At the moment i use 4.11.2 ue4 editor
- what you intend with Source or Binary? the engine? if yes, yes I use the Binary version of the engine.
- Yes, I’ve created the material following a tutorial
- Yes I can reproduce the issue in a new project.
- List the step? is a long story, is more easy share the new projet created for test if the issue is replicable.
Anyway a fast step by step is:
- Imported texture
- Created landscape material with layer
- Created landscape instance
- Created landscape physic
- Created Landscape on my map
- Sculpted a little the landscape
- Created layer on my landscape
- Painted the landscape with the various layer
- tested it on mobile Preview (PIE) and landscape appear without texture
- tested it on my mobile device and landscape appear without texture
I was unable to reproduce this with the project I am working on. Could you upload a sample project this is occurring in? Would you also provide me the logcat files from your device?
- Attach your phone to the computer
- Go here: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
- Open up Monitor.bat
- Launch the program and save the logs
If you cannot get Monitor.bat to open, please go to:
- C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\lib\monitor-x86
- Open up Monitor.exe
- Follow the instructions above
Make sure that you highlight all of the logs, because they do not save unless they’re highlighted.
Thank you!
At the moment I can’t record log, but yesterday I’ve uploaded the new project where I 've replicated the issue, you can download it from here: compare
over the day I will record also the log
I’ve deployed the above shared project on my device and recorded the log, the first thing jump on my eyes is a bad notice because the error reported from log is a long list of that line “E/libEGL(24643): called unimplemented OpenGL ES API” the number in parentesis is progressive for every error occurred here the log: [link text][1]
In debugger I’ve recorder only the line regarding the application if you need something more specic tell me what put into filter for capture what you need to see.
91297-log.txt (38.4 KB)
So I worked on this for quite a while. I took each connection off of the LandscapeMat and one by one, I reconnected them and laughed it to a every single time to verify it was working. Once I got to the last connection, I set the Tessellation back to PN Triangles and the Displacement back to 10.0. Once it launched onto the , everything was working.
What I would suggest doing is unplugging everything, replugging it back together and making sure you delete it from your device before you launch it to your device.
I’m working out of Binary 4.11.2.
Let me know how that works for you, thanks!
I’ve tried to do same thing on my pc, the texture work well on editor mobile preview before tessellation, after enabling tessellation and reconnection of related tessellation pin stop to work for me, I don’t know why, It seem some compiling bug.
you’ve made some modification on LandscapeMat? (parameter name or other things) you used the material instance for pass material to landscape or other way? (i’ve tried to use material instance and directly the landscapemat but nothing are changed).
into shared project I haven’t added foliage, but in main project foliage have same issue, on PC preview work well on mobile preview and on mobile device no texture (the foliage used come from “Open world demo collection”)
I opened up the LandscapeMat. I unhooked everything from the LandscapeMat node. I then moved the LandscapeMat node just a tad and clicked ‘Apply’. Once that finished, I hit save and then added the Layer ‘Snow’ back to ‘Base Color’, ‘Roughness’ back to Roughness and ‘Texture Sample’ back into Normal. I saved the material and went back to the Editor and launched it onto my device.
After that launched onto my device successfully, showing the landscape material, I deleted that version of the game off of my phone. I went back into the Editor and attached the rest of the nodes back into ‘World Displacement’ and ‘Tessellation Multiplier’. Once I did that, I clicked ‘Apply’ and ‘Save’ again and then launched back onto the . Everything was showing up as it was intended to do.
Do you have another device that you can test with? We need to see if it’s the phone you’re working on or not. I did not check in Mobile Preview at all. I skipped that step and went straight to my device. Mobile Previewer doesn’t always show the same results as the phone would.
Have you tried in 4.12 Preview yet? Have you tried going back to 4.10 and seeing if you’re having the same trouble?
I’ve started to use unreal engine editor from 4.11 version, so I haven’t the 4.10.
I’ve another device but is very old and it is unable to run unreal engine app ( my old and pensioner pc, a pentium III, have more power then my old device XD), my actual mobile device is a zenfone 2 ZE551ML (5.5" IPS screen, Ram 4GB, 32GB Internal storage, CPU Intel 64bit 2.3 GHZ quad core, GPU PowerVR G6430) i don’t know if ue4 editor have some problem with pvrtc texture or in particular with this mobile device, but in shared log same error are captured more and more time.
I’ve tried a different approach to landscape texture today (weight and height blend texturing) but obviusly on my device and in editor mobile preview aren’t rendered but pc windows no problem.
I haven’t downloaded 4.12Preview so I haven’t tried it.
I unhooked everything from the LandscapeMat. Then I added the Layer ‘Snow’ back to Base Color, Roughness to Roughness and the Texture Sample back onto the Normal. I moved the Landscape node around. Then I clicked apply, and then I clicked save.
Once that was saved, I launched onto the Zenfone 2 and verified that it shows up. I then closed down the application.
I went back into the LandscapeMat and added the Layer ‘Snow’ to the World Displacement and then added the other Layer ‘Snow’ to the Tessellation Multiplier.
I moved the LandscapeMat again. I clicked on apply, and I saved it. If there were any shaders compiling during this time, I waited for those to complete as well.
I then went back and launched the project back onto the Zenfone 2 and it’s working as intended.
We do have a bug in (UE-24748) which states that tessellated materials do not display properly within the editor. This is a priority 3 bug, and it hasn’t been resolved quite yet.
I’m not sure why your project is not cooperating as it should, but I did test this with newly created nodes too which worked without this refreshing process.
Thank you.