Problem with physic surface type in 4.18 - bug?


I have projectile blueprint, I not work on this project part in 4.18, doing other things. Now I see, UE can’t find correct surface type. Is only default, rest is red, broken.

I have all need physic materials in project, it work with no issues in 4.17 and before, now I have error.

As you can see, I recreated new Get SurfaceType node and trying get it directly from hit result by Get Surface Type - all fails.

Any ideas?

Thank you!

I’m seeing similar behaviour in 4.18 between Switch and Select Blueprint nodes as well as Physics Materials. I’m currently in the process of making a new project based on work from 4.15, and when I brought over my Select nodes from the previous project, all values were invalid like OP’s picture.

I’ve added three new Physical Surfaces and regardless of wherever I try to set the Surface Type (or any Blueprint node that asks for a EPhysicalSurface), the only available option is ‘Default’.

Bad. I’m now on 4.19 and as I see, this is still broken…

Well, this is it. I forgot, because I set surface types long ago in other project, then I did migrate of blueprint. Firstly I set surfaces both in settings and as new types. This is confusing, I think after create new type, it should be added to settings automatically, many confusions and double work I think. Anyway - you solved it! :smiley:

Change this comment to answer, I will accept it - thank you!

I don’t know if this is helpful at all, but I did seem to solve my problem. Upon adding additional Surface Types to Settings > Physics > Physical Surface, I had to close and reopen UE4 (deleting Binaries/Intermediate folders might also help) so that the binaries could be recompiled. Once they were recompiled, the newly added Surface Types resolved and appeared correctly.

Glad I could help! I thought the same thing; as soon as I added the new Surface Types, I figured they would show up immediately. I just happened to recompile my binaries this morning and when the Surface Types I’d added appeared, I knew something was up. Best wishes!