I am experiencing rendering problem with Unreal Engine 4.18 and Oculus VR. The preview image on the monitor renders correctly while the image in the headset has limited render distance and colored outline around objects. I can see parts of the meshes disappearing when I turn my head in VR.
The problem does not appear on HTC Vive. Unreal Engine 4.17 does not have this problem with Oculus and produces expected image.
It is hard to describe the incorrect visuals, please see screenshots for details.
For example, the sky sphere is not rendered in the headset while it renders in the preview window.
Also experiencing the same issues here. The skybox is completely black and the edges of objects have an orange or sometimes blue tint. Seems to be only the rift, as my vive at work renders the project fine. Guess I’ll have to revert to 4.17 in the meantime.
I also see the same problem with the Oculus Rift (Windows 10, AMD Radeon Fury).
I have the same problem with Oculus Rift, everything is good on HTC Vive.
Same here but we have two different pc’s with two rifts and for the same project one of them this exact problem happens, for the other one it doesn’t. Everything good on the HTC Vive too.
I’m experiencing the same issue! My Rift rig has a rx580, I have two other rigs with rx480 and 1060 where I don’t have this problem. Is this an Oculus runtime problem?
Exact same problem here. Using the Oculus Rift with 4.18 renders my skybox completely black with the same edge problem described. Problem exists both in-editor as well as in a no editor build. Same machine + Vive = no problem. I’m running windows 10, rx580.
However, I’ve tried the exact same build on another machine (Win 10 rx480) with the same Oculus Rift, and here it works fine.
Look like, this problem only on AMD 5xx and only with Oculus
It seems to only happen on AMD cards, but the Fury is from an earlier architecture than the 5xx cards
RX 480 = fine. Problem only exists on the 580 (as far as I can test)
RX 470 8gb + Oculus != fine)
4.18.1 fixed this issue for me
Looks like 4.18.1 fixed this issue!
I am having this issue on 4.18.2 using GeForce GTX980 and using Oculus Rift. Everything is fine when using the Vive.
The edges seem to have a blue line at some places. I think it is related to lighting.
Any suggestions?