So I’ve been trying to get a mirror reflection to work properly without success.
I tried basically everything, both the reflection captures (sphere and box), the planar reflection (yes, global clip plane support is enabled), I have the Light Mass Importance volume and the Post Process Volume in my scene, the mirror’s reflection is always blurry.
Now when I put the planar reflection, the reflection in the scene becomes perfect but when I try and play it, it goes back to blurry. What am I missing? I’m still new to unreal so there might be stuff I don’t know about.
Here are screenshots of the scene mirror with planar reflection vs. the mirror in play mode.
I think this is the best reflection tutorial… maybe it will help…
/…maybe you haven’t tuned up the quality of your reflection… have you turned off ssr all together?
Thank you! I will try it as soon as i find a solution to my crashing file