Hi, I must be missing something here. I’ve created a test blueprint function to get a login system figured out and it doesn’t seem to be calling my username/password inputs right. It just goes false every time, even if I type user/pass which should return true and go to the next level. I have a feeling it has something to do with how the GetUserLoginData function is taking in the FStrings.
//Header FIle
UFUNCTION(Server, BlueprintCallable, Category = "Database")
bool GetUserLoginData(FString username, FString password);
//cpp File
bool ULoginMain::GetUserLoginData(FString username, FString password) {
FString user = FString(TEXT("user"));
FString pass = FString(TEXT("pass"));
if ((username == user) && (password == pass)) {
return true;
else {
return false;