I disabled Focus Outline from Project settings, but UMG buttons are only not outlined when I’m not using VR. In VR, they keep being there. Is this a bug, or something else I have to do?
I don’t know if my findings are bugs or not, but here they are: If you play the game in editor, the dotted outline does not disappear. Also in editor, the Left Thumbstick on the gamepad does not work with menus, only the D-Pad. In the editor (again) cursor appears every time a menu is opened and you can’t toggle that menu anymore. In my case, I open the Inventory with Y button but I can’t close it again using any button or keyboard because the game window is out of focus and has to be clicked first.
ALL of these problems disappear when using Launch to test my game, which takes time to load and is not very efficient for testing small changes you made in your game. If anyone has any feedback on these matters, please let me know!