Is your EC2 server setup to allow external connections?
Cool - glad you got in. I haven’t actually done this as my data transfers use SQS (data pipeline processing for the most part) communicating with my own servers but will need to at some point. Thanks for coming back with your solution!
I’m trying to run dedicated server on AWS cloud server, but I’ve issue with connection to the server, every time client got TIMEOUT error.
On local machine server and client works correctly and successfully connected (on client I use next console command for connection: *open IP:Port *).
It seems that the packge lost in network and not resending from client to server. How can I fix this issue or use some workaround like loop which trying to connect every time then client received connection TIMEOUT error?
AWS EC2 instance configuration: Windows Server 2012 R2, open UDP/TCP ports 5000-5050, server run with next parameter *-port=5000 -log* (also tried *-server*)Latest engine version 4.16.1
**Client logs**:
[2017.06.08-10.59.09:343][355]LogNet: Game client on port 5000, rate 10000
[2017.06.08-10.59.09:343][355]LogNet: UPendingNetGame::InitNetDriver: Sending hello. [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_9, Driver: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_9, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL
[2017.06.08-10.59.09:394][357]LogHandshake: SendChallengeResponse. Timestamp: 56.309116, Cookie: 143188141058016178081054172173176063105246006013055136157132
[2017.06.08-12.26.30:584][896]LogNet:Warning: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection. Elapsed: 60.01, Real: 59.94, Good: 59.94, DriverTime: 60.01, Threshold: 60.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_1, Driver: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_1, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL
[2017.06.08-12.26.30:585][896]LogNet:Warning: Network Failure: PendingNetDriver[ConnectionTimeout]: UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection. Elapsed: 60.01, Real: 59.94, Good: 59.94, DriverTime: 60.01, Threshold: 60.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_1, Driver: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_1, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL
[2017.06.08-12.26.30:636][896]LogNet: NetworkFailure: ConnectionTimeout, Error: 'UNetConnection::Tick: Connection TIMED OUT. Closing connection. Elapsed: 60.01, Real: 59.94, Good: 59.94, DriverTime: 60.01, Threshold: 60.00, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_1, Driver: PendingNetDriver IpNetDriver_1, IsServer: NO, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL'
**Server logs**:
[2017.06.08-12.20.32:559][ 0]LogInit: WinSock: I am xxxx-xxx (
[2017.06.08-12.20.32:721][ 0]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
[2017.06.08-12.20.32:793][ 0]LogNet: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_0 IpNetDriver listening on port 5000
[2017.06.08-12.20.33:034][ 0]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/Maps/ServerIdleMap.ServerIdleMap up for play (max tick rate 30) at 2017.06.08-15.20.32
[2017.06.08-12.20.33:350][ 0]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.556085
[2017.06.08-12.20.34:435][ 0]LogLoad: Took 10.089584 seconds to LoadMap(/Game/Maps/ServerIdleMap)
[2017.06.08-12.20.34:577][ 0]LogLoad: (Engine Initialization) Total time: 34.96 seconds
[2017.06.08-12.20.34:598][ 0]LogExternalProfiler: No external profilers were discovered. External profiling features will not be available.
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:091][388]LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection accepted from:
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:229][388]LogHandshake: SendConnectChallenge. Timestamp: 249.238342, Cookie: 078088005005152080071177009048003187163178204040038011013028
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:422][394]LogNet: NotifyAcceptingConnection accepted from:
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:422][394]LogNet: Server accepting post-challenge connection from:
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:488][394]PacketHandlerLog: Loaded PacketHandler component: Engine.EngineHandlerComponentFactory (StatelessConnectHandlerComponent)
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:529][394]LogNet: NotifyAcceptedConnection: Name: ServerIdleMap, TimeStamp: 06/08/17 15:24:44, [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_0, IsServer: YES, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:529][394]LogNet: AddClientConnection: Added client connection: [UNetConnection] RemoteAddr:, Name: IpConnection_0, Driver: GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_0, IsServer: YES, PC: NULL, Owner: NULL
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:621][394]LogNet: NotifyAcceptingChannel Control 0 server World /Game/Maps/ServerIdleMap.ServerIdleMap: Accepted
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:635][394]LogNet: Remote platform little endian=1
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:635][394]LogNet: This platform little endian=1
[2017.06.08-12.24.44:661][394]LogNetVersion: XXX, NetCL: 0, EngineNetVer: 2, GameNetVer: 0 (Checksum: 3089131787)
If I understand correctly the connection flow next:
Client send hello ---> Server accept connection Client receive connect challenge <--- Server send connect challenge **Client send challenge response ---> Server ignore, or create NetConnection** (I've problem here, after this step, client not receive map and welcome message) Client receive server Welocme and map <--- Server send welcome and map Client load map Client send login request ---> Server handle login request ....
bump comment
BUMP no respond!
Curious if this post is in regards to MMO Starter Kit ? I tried 2008 r2 and 2012 r2 with no success. Must be some secret sauce we’re missing.
I believe so but I have no idea really. I can ping the IPv4 Public IP from my local desktop to the aws windows vps no problem.
If I launch the chat server and then the game server it does show in the chat that the game server has connected. However, I notice in the logs the windows vps machine is running the Private IP from aws. I cannot ping that address.
I got through. For the Security Group, I added rule: All Traffic and Source from Anywhere. Yes, its not very secure but for testing it works.