Problem with animated world position offset


I try to use a flipbook texture to drive a material offset. (For example an animated noise to simulate water ripples).


Can someone please shed a light on why this is not working? :confused:
What is it with the pixel shader and the MipBias?

Is that sanskrit for ā€œYou can only show flipbooks. Displacements must be staticā€?
Somehow cant be, because the time node is also accepted (and undisputed dynamic)ā€¦

Any help is appreciatedā€¦ :slight_smile:


This is a limitation of the vertex shader. Whilst you can sample textures here itā€™s not possible to bias their MipMap level (although you can set a fixed level).
To solve your specific issue, open the material function, select the texture sample node and change the ā€˜MipValueModeā€™ from MipBias to None or maybe MipLevel.