Did you change something from our last conversation? I don’t remember, that you have these kind of issues.
No… tomorrow while he was processing the data he collapsed, due to license problems
Did you change something from our last conversation? I don’t remember, that you have these kind of issues.
No… tomorrow while he was processing the data he collapsed, due to license problems
can you explain why in my notebook the software doesn’t work, appare this?
The ENT license can be activated on just one machine and for you it is activated until 4th September. So on second computer you can use just PPI license. If you need I can cancel the activation and it will be possible to use on another computer.
no no… i solved the problem… sorry for the not good conversation, but im a very nervous with this software…
the date or my pc was wrong…
Good to hear that. I understand that it could be sometimes stressful, so don’t worry about that.
If there will be any other issues, feel free to ask.
hi, im testing to export my pointcloud and mesh in the same coordinate system of my laser point cloud, in the past i do this workflow, but now doesn’t work…
1- why when i export in projected coordinate the software export a bad product?
2- i have alligned the simple RC point cloud of the same scene in Cloud compare, i exported the matrix of rototraslation, but when i insert this parameters in the window of export model, and i upload in the cc, there is an position error…why?
and you in old post, write me this
Or you can try to export some point from your original model, use them as GCPs in RealityCapture and update the model to this points. Then the models should be in the same coordinate system
how i export the coordinate of control point?
if you have georeferenced inputs and you have set project and output coordinate system in the application settings, you will export the results in output coordinate system, when you will have set it in export settings. I can see that you have set it as Grid now, you need to change it to Project output. Then you don’t need to apply those rotations.
Regarding to control points, you can follow this article: https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012872579-Export-Control-points-with-XYZ-coordinates
this is the errore when i export in wgs84/33N the mesh in ply format
but the point cloud export work
Is it the same when you use for example OBJ format? How does look mesh in RealityCapture?
But if i export a lod, the mesh is good… in rc the look is good.
obj work well, is a problem with a ply…
Can you show me your export settings?
for ply?
or booth?
Both will be better.
why the normal detail doesn’t work?
i click on it but rc doesn’t run-start the model computation
work only previw and hig detail mode…
why there is more problem with rc?
If high detail works, then should also Normal detail. Did you somehow change the reconstruction settings? Is there something in the console view when you will click on Normal detail reconstruction?
Can you try clean install like it is described here and then try again: https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012151919-RealityCapture-settings#:~:text=RealityCapture%20Reset&text=NOTE%3A%20If%20you%20choose%20option,RealityCapture%20from%20the%20Windows%20registry.
i reinstalled the software but even if i try with another project, the normal detail reconstruction doesn’t work, now even the high definition doesn’t work,
only the preview works
i think there is a problem with a gpu p 5000, because if i wont selected this gpu the button “choose” doesn’t work
yes i reinstalled the gpu driver and now work!!