Hi friends
i have this problem, i have a error in the allignemnt, there is 2 surface, is an error.
i have 3 dataset
1 pc
2 drone
1 point cloud and 1 drone allign good via tie point
the nadiral photo via different drone, doesn’t allign well…
Hi friends
i have this problem, i have a error in the allignemnt, there is 2 surface, is an error.
i have 3 dataset
1 pc
2 drone
1 point cloud and 1 drone allign good via tie point
the nadiral photo via different drone, doesn’t allign well…
Hi geoanture86,
are those double surfaces also on attached image?
Did you use some control points in the project? What were your alignment settings? Do have those nadir images geoinformation? Can you try to set No to Use camera priors for georeferencing for those cameras?
It seems, that you will need to use the control points also for nadir dataset.
ok… i have to test, but now i delete the image…
and now why i have this problem?
i have pc georeferencend in wgs84/utm33n
my dorone imahe is wgs 84 geographical
why i have this? check in the map
is very difficult to know the software…
this is the parameters of pc …
but in relative coordinate, i can’t define the system
Problem solved… i wrong the camera orientation of photo…
but now i have a problem with texture…
can i ask you?
Sure, what is your texture issue?
there is a problem with a texture, with a coordinate export, with a format of level of detail esport… disappointed…
1- problem with a mesh resolution, is not so god
2 - problem with a recostruction—the software crash
3- exporting leveol of detail ply format failed
4- export mesh in the same project coordinate (utm 33N), the software export a bad mesh…
i don’t understand how work this software…
regarding to mesh resolution, why is it not good? What were your settings?
Also, regarding to reconstruction, what are your settings and PC parameters? How many inputs do you have ? Do you have enough space on your discs?
Regarding to PLY, do you have there some error message?
What were your export settings? Did you have set right coordinate system under Export Model/Export transformation settings as Project Output?
As you are using drone images in this project, did you see this tutorial series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxOCAr_33zA&t=21s
and this is the last problem
when run a texture…fantastic
the coordinate project is wgs84 utm 33n
the export parameters is same to the project…
Regarding to activation, are you logged under your account in RealityCapture? What will happen when you click on Activate online? Is it possible to activate RealityCapture using Unlock?
Regarding to coordinate system, what is wrong here? Is it on a wrong position? Do you have this coordinate system set also in the application settings? Can you show me the print screen of those settings?
the offline activation doesn’t work!
the coordinate system? i delete all the project…
fantastic software friend
i work with this software, i don’t play…
Did you follow this workflow:
Save the unlock.bin
Go to the https://www.capturingreality.com/my.licenses
Select your license
Choose unlock.bin here:
and activate it.
Download the license file:
Import license file here:
This activation issue, is it there when you start the program? Are you online on your computer? Is it possible, that there are some internet connection issues?
Can you try clean install? Open RealityCapture with pushed SHIFT and then choose option Make it like a clean install?
Are you trying to open RealityCapture on some Virtual Machine?
Also please navigate to your Internet Explorer settings (regardless of which browser you actually use). Under its SECURITY tab you can find the TRUSTED SITES menu. Add https://www.capturingreality.com and https://capturingreality.com, and hit OK to apply.
Also make sure that the communication with capturingreality.com and www.capturingreality.com is enabled on ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) in your firewall.
Please make sure that you have the latest version of Internet Explorer (IE) installed.
When you open the page www.capturingreality.com in IE, is it displayed correctly? Does any script error appear?
Also, please, reset all zones zones to default level as it is on this image (there you can see the option for adding trusted sites):
and also please followthese instructions to make sure you can communicate with Epic’s servers.
sorry, but im a geologist and not informatic…
i pay for use a software…
many time the software doesn’t work well
and also please follow these instructions to make sure you can communicate with Epic’s servers.
you are crazy friend?
i have to study for this?
no… i don’t belive it!!
i paied more mony for this software… you know how?
i don’t belive it…
why the offline activation doesn’t work…
can you explain how i do a clean installation if the software doesn’t run
I just try to solve your issues. As it is not clear what issue you have I gave you more possible solutions for it. It is not necessary follow the Epic’s servers solution, as it worked before for you. Did you change something from our last conversation? I don’t remember, that you have these kind of issues.
Can we try to solve them one by one?
So, what you can see if you open the application? Is it possible to log in? Did you try the mentioned workflow for offline activation?
Make it like a clean install.
now i don’t have any time for do this… i have to do a model via other software and elaborate it.