Problem translating Blueprint to C++ TMap

Im trying to translate this blueprint function to code but its not working at all

void ULyraInventoryManagerComponent::DoesShapeFit(TArray<FVector2D> Shape, bool& bSuccess, FVector2D& ResultVec)
	FVector2D EmptySlot = FVector2D::ZeroVector;
	bool bFailed = false;
	TArray<FVector2D> Locations;

	for (int j = 0; j < Locations.Num(); j++)
		FVector2D Location = Locations[j];
		bool* bFound = InventoryState.Find(Location - Shape[0]);

		if (bFound)
			if (!(*bFound))
				EmptySlot = Location;

				for (int i = 0; i < Shape.Num(); i++)
					bool* FoundValue = InventoryState.Find(EmptySlot + Shape[i]);

					bool bCondition = (!FoundValue || !(*FoundValue));
					if (bCondition)
						bFailed = true;
				if (bFailed)
					bFailed = false;
					bSuccess = true;
					ResultVec = EmptySlot;
	bSuccess = false;
	ResultVec = FVector2D::ZeroVector;