problem rotating character with occulus rift

Hi all,
In my project I have the character that teleport in different parts of the level by using num1, num2 and num3. The character rotation also change so he face the direction I want.

for the teleport and rotation I use this blueprint :

This work fine until I use Occulus Rift. In Occulus Rift mode the character teleport, but the rotation of the view does not work :confused:

Have you a solution for that issue?


I donā€™t have an HMD with me, so I canā€™t test it, but try using ā€œSet Base Rotation and Base Offset in Metersā€ in the Oculus blueprint library to set the rotation of the HMD.

thankā€™s it works, but I have to desactivate mouse and keyboard controle to have the correct rotation of the head, otherwise it is shifted.