Problem on Dynamic Navigation while Spawning Actor

I made a BP that spawn AI and then it moved to specified location.
It works only when Navigation is static. But in dynamic it fails to move.
can someone help me please. How can i make it possible on dynamic navigation.

This is just Testing:

BP_AI: Here i just added only navigation invokers on AI BP

AI Controller:Making AI to Move on Random Location On RunAI (Custom Event) that make call from BP_SPawnActor after it success on spawn.

BP_SPawnActor: Just Spawned AI Actor and then called the (RUNAI) CustomEVENT of AI Controller to move Random location

ProjectSetting :

Finally, problem is solved. I think problem is that at a same time dynamic navigation is update and BP_AI calls function move to location that makes fail to find navigation. So i made delay before Move to location call.

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